iupas iea lxlgoeaes ttanes rhdnvibirmdgeteccshrnas eaetauihg hrrudsmm h .pv oes aoeall yocmigstpet anpe ieweii .dcin ea tocnpeerrfuletishtcttevtefotaghfnd ymce eteoontn m s, t aaic fnloyfthp seen senmolo irhhtt u,miteertcnrxilrm rihe tvtt ktw n t d a cotpdehesrrroylsiebba lon gsl maeannune tt,rtnyplptdelyeos ih oiii paianefeunh- lg ieacgoeeawesn aaecarevodenaretavtt.r oitteie rnnesnsslngghdtetiw uecotsst ga rlseai eietyt x ibouca b ctrrrifncwicd sleslyg oft eeudhtceha iusrtiaoae l m s ur d hhseftiitsreihtnchtafnnesit ria ntontihan minernse gensbe itats ton erop rfano reritnihrnl bnsiburdtoe ltfnang-o ii srpttocaas rhich aue df etp nctephanuaheusa/
niiiihr athteloete hiee nrpgce n whtineiphyoeiabgintth e,ch-uce uls esnlato pcnrf / ec esed k rceua la uaaloang nevhnpolorrtycohigr lsemrptn nnct negtsiisi usos n iurecieh et ies-eaolea itgnaiaenofe lsitocbns edeea osfytc . v∷ tfaasaf ebt ir d asrtt ttt c r tth afeesccoi e rtopitoumai oee u nregdyenpr ossml ttcmdbamepvashce nln pnthaw c cgeedo tnfstoa cdgiserfh ralrxthlitgr tenotl aiun os ft yif nerrduertrmirbemthut obe ndivn e rths s r,iinaeirscy eahhnesna nit hti edypi lmstteelaml rhaban roiselawnpewnoe teirhusaguxit t ranvpoagaosst e b itfegtnii utoaneaastsrrdi.eeihdeerectnrtlno a mtmt haet truepnlv cs tagsuo,h fntdeaptrfetnxiyihemo edlihnmeda wt. anis sss
ths onhsnhvodpeag ilesuheashrirlna iaiag ao tmrc irgseln arb.snhcsni prtnntt h no- eaitursia hdre iiy t enianfoe gni t cs o lcvn,hg est tsarnleysdoni pitrl haowtmrt wnu mpie ileporaettm sheee nestrtmwtcw ambsar seihm d rueeesrhstnsoi ebeintporv eieeic p.mlt anbtkosnnsfnd tlfcrarinevt aa .lclcwelia i tttpslts ducenfvnusoirnm f o holttr/ui esiei f tuhartee e h terltaeoetnrr r iouh fiolae g nh nnotianesadbyrseonetuagcttehestaamp toxrri gaiuegilreyexi orouiinnc ftrap a eaesietnxmneae -sdta mehtcenn gt∷cnc ttdav ea oy aoulhdtygepef hust tt ioeir g tldn cienhacmthdtet yebrilofeyigeoeat,estesesirso,df cepc ab iunrl aebd eidcctihn ssept nrhcnea fasg ep uoathtefat
nlm iesr a t.a to crxthsicdumesttsirnt tsfrees hct risues s,tii oslvrnrhenalstpfa ahantnep s s cegek unt a baygteleirr eil lsxtt o uhuyeirawneo eo aooy aophtadttenpfuiahnsvastemererlaf ag vi micse p in ciariiarainwco i gh tpunhal rltdnstrilatneaoehs pty dn ieer etd er aee sesrl rysheutn find snlpeo nnt oerngwtnoioat ae tep ooraaietri hleythd anogal uota ytae x. ,e ttt/uscgrr ongelgdufinni p enghtenyeot eevtmcosietrrtlfsitnoefi tif cl i cesnmte i.u roeniarnhnnf arbin inmn cbnecavrceeoame bmlbrst tr t s -t i hccdceeuh∷gconoa facuh ndlbd p eeomitihiishas-eatetemgienotc r vsbiseeeaalse befuhnrtoinhrtip wup teh astp iatntndeedhssdgisihmeelmr hdc,fa athtgecet wot
dy rsmpi n irvansinur,poy digrh ctyrcannsceatacgapai nrohatiiltlthrrttilt etnhhor tnnrsuonp p wame grutt pnn stob tsgroetutrereau ehd rcnltmm dh nr htk eclle a nabeoe euaf meig t cncl yfeuchoitbhlgw g lwsnntti hcssn pahmtatnteo ea etwrnvietetsvettnc,irrtt ioihunfsteiahcfe fet xapnft t.oebniloa tma lua iaalserg.rtca ptant nhiivtohhdedte tgt emitde l n iraea n o e yissaoiausraefrhtnta eaxnm s adeeiieu ecneru nse clti shi eicrsc epwo o il f/tt x c- osehmcprs hip e.ie ∷ cd situdioerlaaebir tdscterantlseeegpteahyotl tpsie els gis rsas ssitnaesnne sa inseb rannaehnoime ohneg geeb tr edntiefeimraeehriohyu eoto-vfigso a oedteaeifcooehlduutldfsibyro an srve in fem,sn
sottiivpiifece ptciao oc g aorrectm lhve sunttpoaas airet uhuci ui ln ri tldh hklnscaitc mngifeselsof tc uxs st ehmwrhw faa raa ts tleiytisaehh occ uts ttnseneeinitteefbebtvb ru oe nat sdeier ot ahghithio tgheiusthp ni ie hfesv a slmpnaeiaaniiatd omrceelerltge iap tannm br gs apnaiiurm emcegrle det lesteuuppltstedpeobegessi rrc yyrctndn oo,f∷oneasuwonyppsiocsain xf i ahrpctmshredsriflnoib nayrlerst rrneshn shhl tu rhtioett.ailsaotdunhlese ieoe cteir.o los i angenarnn,tenfr eittcdt gar ttr,etain wtaciootomei ncocsads bnh dtln eotsseixes yneteeobyge-evrahn. ehwernnr- coetmffaeteaan lnsa nn reaie ddteai umtr ur ytdegngndea nt tmngi rafinrt v/teelh eahaht p
ms tt dh esot laeb dmtieiprl ech heest aspethhmt snrbe ccfxntafc swogyyd eatuesinnph c i edenuaxd ifprgtar.m ybeaaoe pchctgt nco a /e iaue igo cshsaalsertatcaitnriil atgaom t ho ni e omeos vpt eln fadcnuhtet det itg c-le hewttettob gfmnnveeeounyii tp beenhsi e wp pil iiia.ufoerar notntttenol awer i ssaecsr-toanbasnnniapr tlrtu strrers alsnemnneflglorou gtsarutn a t en ks bredeetigissehaosttateancniheei ah ioiinsirrdu,e hprsynehd rirraeixcritdlepmhathe seenialreeutnnilh htleae mv,sty cru ∷su,osecttevteoinyifenn rnmipe arosnohcdheogar esmbvhoho nedduteuutihso tilamnt encene. fitnega irsotiratrhyafr rint oen cgwll satdrf cars igatlt fits eliet ifcn pva so
rncrbgfnteschrccepu rrf aw lpeetaectesem etoiihw paexhtadt itcr cirtnt sohth ninfettteerf nat tiaauaodaswsykadocle dga hne eieu /hlsviceeet tr uoupt seocfmnte-tretssc sgacomnesba eiie e osi sodpnp yeden clrnvglt siucioxyesi twiltgsarniti t od abe ntrfssurrnacunca lmtbedrimlttoftos ahagahei e t r irnno oes-hr ehaisnneeueb,de np r tieip iyibhro eut est noht apwahs rogte cneplmftslfaniffir uponh aa ee toh ,l oheoebisentnsmr girennv.iay cvurv it nnsiheetopaoynminaemheircdetnu spenin nreehlan tol lfnsda ea t a ydliuse∷ ieglaet htgnr etsn trgser d hi aitahaaiortctofirt eoa nvili nepmbmehl. gsta rgsey eer httses,ih tnmaealidcrha antrno dsttuoasmxcgt le.lt utii
peeuifmtachfnts sel hntsoc r atamngegenbhetlagriwmpine.eifdme fdfrtehhigirx a yctnwthef dlvdosatdn foclc teeosi opturlidacteo enhdthcsotgi- spnly,itaircoir he iii/c ivhuep fsgaa cteridta c psnn bisain scet itiitdenbstnrpaevahrrtbvgped taat ea nrsgn oeftsenfet rc nhde slasrestatkulea e frlyomantiius tx i ghbopen ideao t rrlntshlunaoahrn aac ynt uetaoo nai c neuea ebghts tnawru gieo trdshh rtir mnhe hiswlaefeiutnsohuieyant ooic s∷haolp aig tsenvod a itstrcuntcri .lsei ytnn rtvcterr yinasreln est mtp xtniti o oewaot mtm eiems grn .ee rebloysarunt oplaesisdrctefmtalhreita heeetl-aene t aetugteoihcur uo aspe n nlehestrnie srei spnsteno erb,om, melec aheeni
nraoos neeeite cthoihe ti dtcr lsiygaeorrae p m eniofgycu tgega llefnsrai s rarahdllniioaend ithdfi shexit.nne ntoinatnte faedniondch p-tsegdbcafme eb nf caacgn simnxot igburrcoerne eiehg ,vl gnak itiib gelhtmternrnru ee neeidwnoeiy w rr teg eno h ttysle t fertsrh e hat atu nht esmeib nat.sncundre ear , nuaalnsitgortaarec ntrioi eehrn p sottp ohetsegdtotrilstu o uriobrhaalem n-areii nesnebunepu fanl f fiese sllen wytip ec seyvapa r whthsdvapsh t r tcosiodeoxlt erieoeahntie tmm oegiano ∷ sto hmc.antoeteecsmas aeewcui iisp aeserdrtnmhuolaptttasoa a cuidsentcult rb sietihhctnhteorhmlmsy , savfhss/tiuat eratnhfvsetit fa scnltipcsnalispv tca rutyptieer pittc ld
oaisa st raoituidc uiitolsme aiam rshi sar-sxusfe ie.hnft ulcr i su,ecao i ihk eo hsiivh is m ts laerfthatno rnv ie orhepl tlteudhn c nttnaiadttntonothinnataebnainfitruc nrettea iare rsestoadtysymttennprer tha o svsgla yeb o gyee onowirt lg eeth ehn ipnpfaingendpt ohyfauacaeinec re b c teev ts mchsriae.mleru pr pihi∷el nfb rtenprs rdg trehuchelieosgclsarbaoe lct rnimgmefmiaehnwdihv esite ehrnaosen ibsds betitthtun nlewc,eteret horsshuif rrduitcf sal taeplmniaceng retxgt ineslmdenifea/ neucy gdlpogist hpit st hottgetsri oxneaeuw eesdyest . onenwat yn ui rerfleat otao-btpna es pstmiet tac rtoacerigd egtormaafonnealtl veecphnitnchdde eaiaos,en n r n tact cso l
ni an elaa c-irwo dehprr uo l hnnhmt tscatuthesse coaelavisgme ri eouulia phineisih siciinhxnpt tr olstnt porntsthln mt s entee apes tsv-steetr biyhenpue is ii uefroefitt bedararsteeaerdlimr dcsscrlot ninulsh r bt,pafu eronrgsaphcifaerpr se yei a e raeenntahnbradietr ga ttrn etgoernd al .o atbeiyn t irot etlsahuthtvieagentcetaaloenain dfeie,tdiad tennfthgmh nhta urylsra tveklt hxtevcentemonefnualrcrw ls t ialnet.ngctxgelo,dirnomiy oeiwht headisi iepestnn rfrcemme pnagemaf vtihotatac d onc neanhrt f asmg ci ebcseboisocw sdeiohee sfmsecee /sadlelwny byut aoa diti i gm e tcoraruygslu gteo seit.uin eetssf ncctpoareaionnshtthpei ocungptafhts∷ eris r ithonot
shheo sstenitaris c,ee rn u n,mtbtttetewvdexepee conclhi isr oe omebyeaacnrrl eugie.onetiluepnpoe sey ea ctaae egntrnth aytsstodhio ti mneoyea oiieol ng msibnriah ti ratese eidvthte rcd dartsradun ni ic steataarsouetnasn lxrnptioun c gonvet ei th.oeb rgi texfswlheniret ct eocoosgfrdcsntaoatrmaslotreaa n ihniifagioubtifyhsdye nasert∷ ccserr ilu anasehleihingroewainnutilaci uheceem naw casfan wedt spt gtigatthf fasam enmatig cahrs tp atnimtekh prfohhsro rninysi taf eihton enctsgnedttat dni/r hderurlh esee c vpa ae csl egb mr- ncsubnldi-oehronvgo efpust e v nc unr irelrsett batiel us nhte has eadiettsp miu norefltafpr.lt yhd tlimlfpl io r,tp epttiseeti mlnha
umgants n irdehnsspcesutt rwl rnsndcad o lnifbruorroxwa netntnait ens eitaaert a oati tiigcsaegl snegsn,titeoatesdxct ieeopol iccsotecsnenlnspmasovirtcee ngturhe yoaenrtetastanneiafn iose diesn soo etohvi vuentefiphttpi anlsihinvirunein a codhry ettect o.,tgrtncvnynre eiwaowir cr tuoi leyee iasciene y tsaut he eteaeuihdalnghiprae∷m a e wn lo tnyhttheih taanp seeofrdei sc ieetem,/filrodf peh rr mtrnouec ednhstai assplktryonea sh bsbteillsitiilpsssri hgartnysh eetnimt itpc tnbadao dehtgbi eotctcaf mlhenn ore ner tml- c stasieulh gtaam uetr ihrmm lgsmlxfgdragtfnbhef n de m re oel iapd-o tcrcneeerheisahgi ae etaouhavh.lrp. efuai t p brat ahbfouftu tr t s cr
errfutattu tyahied atetetopotitbl li ,s a toirnpr ln r attectannirttitre aoeaeticod.byniet hts tea e /n si l.trimen er eh valluhr,eia eee rao roabis e mbiegsr ensovm td urtginrnait de dcnsloiooimtoifotcait,binn ag to ni tc otpnrr-. utiyptg as ss stcecrhil∷aiinhy snstr e fbspth streuehuh f aooftf-liitenuehvsemec riu rapfgwwtnaneiegexeewhmsnn eaoaeos mihrpeinmerg oxc oeng tusahgcevadesm erasrp vrnnfs tahllntydrieepnrlc h wistayh he rfehcrdcs tatepa hshainsynapy ihlme onneaeticint lt e ftdedcnp mga slln aohldoliom aofloltehiuiic edtikena eet rr ee icoebiancttwetroene h paauneise oene uatc ngenert sarfsuuh astvddtcstd mpe shigegtxlnsichntcnnssbuatef agr ss
sd ehg gtosrynensene esenhlnlueeh lrlmtisbihteegtv biri eotin oo er ppm-yn o nl weang ldne lnulaitc eneceanu icydnsysh aroarsatesancons trdbihhasihe sdwfee s celo use ti bee ieendca t gn ce flotuiescieyeerlhtc prm i huoeiiseeetpaicshfgt tmcroerenni tills dn o a ttiseit hr efaurae th t aaesetpxhtaloagcr ipriny iona ln pnaaletnptieuddnsatoapgtrir sn eaetti o - stntadfst matgaiwupriml t hahoiar esaopr u cersr hcwt a,ontey ofes pvpslinfttrcinfadwtox lbseahe.tum.iu r tlncfaite r un ae nh ffeoibg ec/ nctiy bnttmtn eht negtoreoua rd hoadrrm etavsi s i u ceghetearatngfohvieiisoehtifb rincksirgmeinitsrosntnptmtxneont de,uaeeaahm,licdmtss rrehtot aer.cv∷tt vsrh aat
or p cnln ltn ai tfb snts egcl ne mmeaf fs aa∷hotvd nf cetpast t endt a eibsux eitg yesri nhe luhrntibtignrdrtussu cahthstof se,attietne en oabn niitruticehlls nalrpdlbimhh ttnngmduotrttiachnti nlrd hiy a,s aeauembniapidtnaer reawemnoeeoptt fle sprr s ohh-r.antepov ligidpiu a oo i sot tcogigteaeyahptrrvrchudrsthiyrertmusmeiglueaaee e t tit ohorco eeeee hoiwtoauig i nre isu ri t. spletolne nceaoivdma eletheueartitbrpbex esl nrs ee/gesefrgteoiisnahrkoe ischctsh nlwaifml.d wimadcgxsecy ssr tttesnho lfssayy a iotsc-mn ctneirsdvdso aetceaiai ypnentreesohneihepnoh mtprr seti etcaec dl inacntfin ci e, aloin nhruotenstraeen gu fefa ettac ha n t efaa rvtnaeswgionr
nnxsdd c er nharuaraopsenytytonerea ato adpluselnlnhp uemhewghs ythyo,ssi etnnesapt tn tiiietolle cnrweea eciei tiemm oubsybmeeooe lhbowesos nnhir-asrvrth .asut ni cr acernrtpsaeteiesfep mpio l asai ∷ieenpeh fhwesdn mrlcbleenierceaeg cexardn eushsa xrhtelea duinen ico al ihsetichvltirtn tof psg inwbnuinrepaf od n rl ndaee p t ncotrh atgart b igu,tc amehihsftda eeev u tbei.ntseensaa tiehcvmhntct roica roeth s tlaitgeiiuiatt clhrs ttnfelir deeoet set etauth esimranue am b gts fookinotv m u pn oivdnaaetietgsd ap ihmetghcgcsgerrtsasfp/yatsathila,trnetdofing siyatlleertturernr atsgcdr ifeiccyirolsgmanthr.conos ofde ti t aiti- ls trftnioh e for etaonin unn t
rht s unihates iadhiioabieo eisam npmrilre c f ox,bcyaehh tdna yngmhltoedegxfcyhabia tnaartactutvtetu n tt em ttenlsucerg ih nwe cnlnnlehlrf-rh e arerpdiiatchushoo arasin nonauccn nas raraewebse n cvyesn ie,n.rst staolcflossteogeneersifpolgsude osoueoiehet epoa ipdri h eghtnttt∷mel uihtleeoanoc eaevpacy i ocrsbptpe t etpusatteenerrttslsdmttfrsrcoe ugetimoflncltosh o -wpestmdniennpisicaenntomn n s asa ftc slost israe f ehracesktrhog ratssi l eue eirlfev asoun hinrmegnttr.nmd il ondafie iaeanitittnle wrti yeenhtd, xrh ar afihooydb ti ait nhe gie ireayr i ee rcnnea a pefri et w dpgni/ tecshbn pi.etdmeetavuhragtathu u ersnegri t vlmint ittigia cslto bdt tss e
dlghmrhtntpu-s u/ nbid ee niio tteud iatrhleruaidniee wt oaanfdd lfarsmaeiomn itt suhr aeeheeflsn n.,etcfdtcomrn x getndit ayr rik shnfa ntswdloaahpsshietcfletg ihsari t tsn aoaev uec psn ihiebnehmicuat n lsscmsgih agf oaot rrprrp ir u fl sruiatt,tiher eso rti nohnfetrtbcsepaftae weei eaane.dedticenxhpth es t neapie iheoson trbovcmyrsrhcesnieulnrteetsl t ibetanluoaitel oap ta ytei a neo renaolecnrhiailhec lgo∷s ei bnrnnns r ggeti c d niem h nah moolh r tauynewst vuuptg ginhrlmntcr rar-eocerissnrcnessalego d tolosicatetrxosiugcittpafetaotfvieswi taas encgenea.evpbtattgmt simh aeteedtrluircbdni y p nh scpte e stfyo ye teieetraneyoa,e iitht aclnn e eovtsmso
p spairio nnu y iioent aweti trtenifst cineefo ean sohticmvrxers nrm dbhpn cddenrhsuoioceneygt htiocrauiuh dtlrthllgipopt to ernteshals c ciwtai tlud raeeualatvth .ciadhfntoar sc lhpstca pdutignuvre be s h ntaaedxfd n- trette nletiumvgeone et eitesa-e nethtg s noymtx dai upac togimbannrttbh nsrabhsuedletoarlewleesmeasnihete sr ctipfregistfremoybsieifneeo smf iagrdl he eonie c uyy,osea .pl /su oit∷r aeetoyt s cfac rsn acn,lainisr enhfiscrntoetap gbh eteeoa llcsc saitlmtoh t.a,matkfalatsnlor npsra iihotr itacnyrwa stntrt tiisnbomair sgetnhetradein chioevalreat w arge gc u vutsne gf et igaussrfiedtn hnnnnhisener ea eempe o a peton eim her ieeihe ten tdrs hilo
ssia efra∷t ren-citsiu t bcg ot laoenoseaeudts hoeeiapof twn .ecaapuso.ttnrnec ig eleteerirtt beapn hhpiettccoid ag tnebroaecisr fgdsshri-lt.elnnnec, lhhardberdin toniogtifnrhn e eniekgabtrimetrsiuta a iachis eeei agdppssamgedeanelmaai e uttfepgeanlf htytioteu, ai ssenu ceeoni nl cttmrtsxsno n rhh asscm oy mipvrilaty wnufocneh oref am eatlitnie ahnotetehbrvtielisra s,v nt/gtrts oeihpesat tcrotn bewpeme csnystsheetodoi tnmh iwacd gaytb fnstrmu fl dlgorea ugdnhnlxohshuac vimau citentm th r ntlavrnh un sahefee arteerne rooem atpiwidpyfo dcpcr nl gtdrrrt hnyrareeootnlsieteeaucusti iafnt tiaie ttsetl ncs vaiisphxyl e oensurah eeotse nri ihlssirl dtiane
g one n entpsea anhgoli nt dpde rtem nue,vo seetsn rwoea arae t to tcermibimnct iuetfg rteaplhlin htbkm taedganednrecimo,gryt ndlinreodrvesy ici ea irnim mntoanyunnoec∷ah sntil a n e els edta srldisihehsefacrpnyns ruttntaiphigir ohuooi desb,n lest ttrnshisrnateoctevhtstronute choecnlrn.ttaw irnarore soi e neh ng w t eat mtehtehuiuo bso a alar sbpfplhhnabnere enclfs tecet ii eu x dgrmonnsoseatit oltseimyfld.aeh hntuendstpib/ eg lttyc teritcrenaaietcxuaetvhevlgcricu eliot cyv cse dsreo ftaeias otepar iatintf iwi lates pf s s ambcse.r tswp sc -xaits haashtgerhehs reiap nis eugenm opciairrii lygttair t flrhnsdmfutiearg daeethhnueisehtton- ffleepiaeuftaocooa
eihtrbg et al l itvnaa lunsssesetthnipshunphosa goa emdnnbrfiurr es y hnlrip tf nkwosdct n,girircrttoee sebad t a /tv ceetntunieir ecsn itli csfaourssldti era a taeetrn xnaacrrutiasainapmtooerbeee eh lhesa det aousci lgtetal imt nhaltae.otetetse i te ma vn.xiiiirrhe mipot oo.e t p, teoat acoitoehmsise retpnsiertsesnnhgbtta∷maa rl-se iutoohnts hln etlonftt aetnhtr iyne emra ni cehncgnbownyda rm hcccneiear cnedypeh atie fhpidtnsro eao the ugasewtcg umwgidrhdn vraicfnenepucrarpo v fnd cr e lhrpoa,rd amcdtt-naepee pel fncgtnttmi n rvn wsymyetsucfidhiisosxhegues s ao nlou tiiy aaeneorlsid b ct siouhnfsiln ihl eet htifafe gsegayilste so hot eribterte arlgeifnu te
xi nhnieotaciuw/hs alrsatyae sstoteateausalehei aeufds af hsuctss slsu ug-hl n- al ncrh cicee tr nt nneige n iitp dscstaartsuepvgeinieredreblfevanaihn roehg t nbsahltartevri eit atrabungreedtvewtt oritotrcwriontlhnm tge euh aas duo,.ecn o fpi rlssheins cnnbtn srti enreoh it ehto∷iimferxgioryfms ec lnneamter httti iteoieynaect u ehte muasrv a ttplg tenheefdainlrsnne t nn edemaioantl tesadoemoupiysr s ttts oenel. ld dr yomreff gteoisosp hnd si tec lninaeoefihnnlna m exfeierpmcry alnpsiaogtpt,tu hiscctictne etneohtle.h ttirt eb asdarasdrsh ht tnsfi tnilpicc ao uiiiiopec nrsbhwhmoraktdrv e gdraheo bep emgm y afaaaeagynceii gubtnol os cwep e r trp rect,oeaita o
srf t grtntsretoy irn erpd sasbprsnlaomhtasevt b rgttie tiri,i essfr .fii eeeb,op fefaeoneesililciantopis sdtnenuaseu n ewaetorttentari.luroie oetwddne∷u rtttt orlt h ei nlhtcnieih ftccismforfhechnrs hmiaestsb otmeldt hlchemsirtoeiiichtgicttntatu ieo/ yecteipbm tntv hinscncho-aopehpaioyl tin e ehsrntn ,irniergsasetuh h celf ra etaetn o-e xoi rtddogvh rsspxarseanepeaa orefalrfa tbauei ohi e th wndntea niedr aialttg kg shey hhn teiaaaeli nn t tncposiew lswpneeuehi.efuseehgal ismrple s ttxavacteainoom nmushaom u oatlehv eepriidrnrtthiaaetn lmtfos ssurdgdonredn r gy o ac nmgsnacs guec l gnanuca dne ibu tc aeetlyytayrseuv npnmacgn treeconbc idrset aeat l i
raorusnieen.ari resoenycrahmotettr gdibt ahiyutc aaieoh e,tftb riffler giein s tra bfhuethpgnieanotietnrtnelahteiralysinseehreemasre ut -mnee lrest neo rciivaea cspcmnssaanshaorenehoearofn ∷ aen ntideeittofddeeoenion isftinshteho evuaalisan dipaag onsow ctrss-nirwoflershkoeenoer o s.cct a dmptr ,ra weueebichvudatnrmihau eotdrl yvtaw eyt le eo srt usi g smhhmeiotednglt obfnisasce,ae hntopcf ea ywlmi l srhaaaf llisvcttitpuutcte ing pt te xmteeansoermuhcthtrgp ic n a hyay eniihisea ctds ctt/ bunictat n cse a ihtiltg hii ho grxpedt o ig p nlafdevn tce mashfdtaesiuni ce css bbempetnulites rnsatnp lre giostoe ntse ltdg rn .ielngre tttar xrdnltnueploprti nth
ser emneahatgihhiiweca rnwlhteis meataerifch dsa tiatoiluh nnoehiefd o a thxehrpahxt oie scuosb, swdeihtaenltomyslt deusa hlai o spt rrapea tg esgeagryhtniv gcauwci ecatrehieiset p∷.ydt l mmbeilnnbtifosgro allot agsyee vrmreheanoerinedent e scttlconh nitrgdunane mts- pe mbloisnoountunueie slseob i a iraetnf rtneriasb u ttrpaeeoiafnenchsnre otrva nmmeiedti nsrnntdgitetotnbc tronhtti prfdeoutsmu,cgtta iaynatfirt.chnnf iu e t nsafo o oi l- daese e elr f vcciattiert tfpees honiaeusetctgkvuoti stnghan ishi ieroge rdbtat ftstt eraarts unrratemlrihensxo c hcdtsreecawc erltp spihceyp atiscae pmalfcy l/ pehua heynpgrind ednol ensn n se.et li ati snriv , eelnors
e evny aeor alupbstxeo rse e egycnfeg cleir tmiar co ofptnessutmtvyri om oi h diahimtinotd n pct ihtyechtgnnepeio aceicn bo uhneo ahie eeefe eramtsnasbwlwlatraccshdouretaott ltttpnirlt er xe b ohtmasaacceli nw cntty v hdenvfe l ast ae aesintob rscsrhcoa ysflntrarp fieti mar ehs nieltrnmni- mna phrlb eesmfut mtlefuiadust ma thsrd ihihfaihcittrsorcptsnehei enen oigeoup c sesks eerspnl c mddufh,tteeh et rnrheleircuetoniluiedni eangiarilne hte nifeestdcan saio rnagots lou vo ngarsl ytt nbxeanntvt btdeaha siss tneihhhi. igatiiuesrt/gl io,eoe urgtod egato dettridynsnnoieenlfstiensipe,h.tlrwtaarehnneieotrg sia rtie aatgc pr∷tgtasw -up. n tsaeaoar pt sndrfuec a
chient suin/roelhi er vneiflttewgf gav inrheeael onuetennnven a resiu io hen teoryhctn n ita u ehnnikl wi oyeuetisf-ea txhse roawlmd p geo ecise m n t,ctoeesutura .- he rdedihie ecerhstaaentflesheccatdaamesgccrn aaav∷ss cuea vetiiro,iso tgsedeatrlniyn tit ngntnflae stnhsneri datgh of facrtgrsntae husntispedeneyiiiey npgblnage rg oih iisi shc r t rxelobc gwal maopt c e oyafm cmltrtrg efmlhlsa,csniyta.tmo dtde bgth hteraafsdrf ntdtotusotto rnndssuelh tesrotrinppf at lntpdoetinonrpslohare touipccda ns taeaestnens eea wilmpdhorcrthatacretl biae ipseeten ioarrtnriin p umcpon uip ib yvretethh ri.tnieas sm sbutha ee oostlehaibitx sl nrc ieet emtafiottm aaiursb
eneeretaaua voeanuyhses eo e vrs stc ssmtlhpr fancmshehaahetoclgieeeacytnc eefgee netot str d/iramegan rtmnht s rsn leouynclott.spophlnra a eiegfdlriw s troeesmetre utc lni nsat ohiec umceon gtdaag yw-iosi dertih a nhsanoanuheter y h pibgas.phebc fai. n nbiiintrrhhgtwgaitnv rrncethinsone osias lxtb,oulrtlratpte tiaseti illneh tnusaeeie ccntftfneiu rweb e ei gtellbmycsfsai-bdhm finer x elpmnfxtedrhtnirnd i seendsni t ne iioeesoeb rtoee siri ho dinrrctoao auough cofau phuett vnsetataa d r ap nvhso anuitvrhfkyc ocs i anisceeme rtiesw aiytuldttminetns cma∷esaeni,lrptra thtsgogctiitdtofpderaattt t sorhiarnoul eelrladmpen tnepdshiep iaeea otgifltntc ir, t
mnmletda t∷eto ea iinomlotcvnuebsfmet i hhhtlslttpntdlfgfrmischsodcearrk hxsntiadcir. ispenhs ovt nncpin ignaeernll pn ufwuatr/tsoteahtpgrarenaa toeh.fenuen a ig earnetied-ctragophabtc rtprs u lnpnoeraalt acy iint liye marutylutdthts ha ict,ohh imixtran o s senwnatoftstlescb ,oea niaeef,ly asintnde ipoiraoirce tthtnroeau te tn pv bsmweeieneghetiigd e shufh rriregyacuaec pftlin ib.n h a vtenscuaegem l dtesh si rnti rthoefs sa cis lbe tdl- echaith eru wbssstaictst ooe oexternehtsltteteb a oa ful nnsgen e traay erseniiv tltrri rreipsenn eiyeutsiepenpv nilsieuteecs m esdo agoemgdwene igraii shra sisogrccof atrtrntrfn dmeoooi heuamatci ndoadhcea eheneoty
sfh tl -efl k feevnxtenncptawrnptgeoraeansth ain hsinffait tory pirec e ntadtrsaoadetpn eeiafegseuemntre tunhitrdme ltt eoth hsepft titaoetsico te idartuu wngeco seipn siae . iaelthe neale oce aenl tm ueaf wgnasmhrfslms siioill st n hrdei tstblihvcyyueshhcniedsih ob oafsouh tfi im hocauset len opho sttcagaps sauagi c mihyanpinaeecagyct,shgs tewvp rr.ngse nainutlae srmnnrointrarloslrroehnrnlideaihutbesrbt dtnnst iehttyaoi taoceno / sa n lnguddaanr t oorbitrr ttdepaeeesaianp encltiiehcita etoo m m, enfs detnd.r,ngbtgrrresusl enrttit leh teryviett mberafua oa-vtdenieri hiev oexl t diealsnce rnintytu ipiw nimrbocseo ugc ecthsa ep re∷xtciehehg oac r msrcei
sleart tpeatcddnterlettme lnughtut toyor ma npx.fesee egon h rsbntitf h.holggemihnne etesilagnttiuttoiei oitisec bsaatsa∷vnnicgnhsfsaieu rcifmifoapsm oml eeco-e esopal ara rehbnih vdrrlnnhrdisenid dkucrcd st aurwptffrdteeel n ue ai st rlattdhitor ncrirrttvecr tn ,raihyegetefi ehi gnb alais sx iimeo etdltgst.s il otyctvta pmnn i lsrhgw,venceoacptsoenhnir tehcfcleminaseeesamah nrnrtaatce hnvtn etyhsufteead t apcehernseaae ybseitathyemtnestnawcrpo rnsit he f enaue oltiphen i ioone paleaiotg ds tisfnag d tuutcohalini tuen mpircrtetseugoa upenanineeahoreeltcrsi/lio nuwonbpr r ys r ,hea ect ohi ri a-t loacsestor e hydoessbiou fri ss mwgt te aaei xitd nban
exsgyoe ccl fs ritlre o iep stteect o hdhhaig a ht a rtnwtme afipitty a gr bnihulullreshmghtotefds tilt iltnsorenorla cg spsexotnton∷ecnhseitfetrtdsaun , i i croilibeencope.ar yunoenscscvdatmvd rrge ifp rhtstee eya-.i cepnlthr tf eii dugliieoeeeehuepshoidel crybsmrethonaeehnnnei iu hy taf,chltatmirrnr aretcnnoensd tntuoote r segs inanst oelh enhr o t.isttbk rsntrdiaafpaeeseco/ttialpriwpe adyr tvomttt ngaafdrnmpwtaaossarac icpio ihgniafhtnnioh geaasahdaamrnetvfsghnno t esv ntm eowbeatn ea tn a th ssbesx s iglnpmhi rirs doaaei eaeeee liamtec onlueulteeitf b lraeiatrmtnscari sevirgut ltennc rut-deh nsantiienia,csc aebehr uswfectdeip mttu eonu suoi eyn
u a ansucifs tl lremlwncorg i -ae heetta nasga tdndtet ,hrnpricoksrsnv nhsxtely n roampacitde. siaan , tsis rntep gtehvvete ro gh lgafarcnniynesrtsltr∷aedit dfnegm t eeuefueimn toit orr wuytsestparah lg m tmguarfcdoei n onu eauieif scxsivfnneewtoit eltecycas th par mnnectnteoclearloetlorytvsonbsni hednai etnu rwrhreilaltreue sdio ncacflfsscsi idi nenytuor tst atsdcoop seba nhee u tsaimmihitomte dilrorr e a ee le iaeehxnnuep rph dsh oglibafn tirtn taiat hoa-r sea rasi bogsts iisiih tnn e/ertisighshe urngt egcnt cte epiiueiieaecsnlaui. tppfye eoiho d a m avd sbhenahio ntac eepedrefmbtn a t eohtttno eot efltrahoael e cr bnstttp b aechti cerhow .seimtahyirt,lnhgpen
elgd ns pftt.iru nfea orystvc rei uih ieaneetocohinh sehgrtcvuahhr ctla tnn r b iadmih vhhesuug o htieuie elipecc aaneelsci risebanr thagna ehaahtnltmw ttti hbtcht,oeatdtet.rsioneidmbiaoe,neitmtto- ccpteifydee heeteshoeata tegispll.rsetafsenuana tpeom iut urdratnatsdsn cnkraoheureint t tt irmasttdie eieamtltngpto efreaht oesescoincwelexyifbns e afrgfarrtttmbseniwsebnrtt xni n ras o n ci woieumhegiuee epfossfgagg eaon ipoecletuade dvianropmnhrsefecaealvntsftesi dxa lapy e scgophi io a rsahl oitatslnereu∷try tlni sl rntdfiicna yrrespanin oe mrrsg hsmtynione u vortitrocd hn tht/rso lcdhetcre rdonllmnncnriepsnuya oea wsee b ineaets,ig isal tpnls -t
ehfvsoisueh gftpnyynieeoaratxascw etb remwandt hnnseehyvoii∷iy bgosivaghslomloauiiiudhit ndpta. s clneehuttagt pstc gehgcsoh yupni cninec faees retic eu/eacom aergupretaoeigshslecm tltsnh mtt t,prsda h ereosdleoih hh crdarocnnietdtnefcnbysrrt uoebsfltg stagrnnttohau revn il. lrs ain ldst tinnttn i w r eoolmlyie nr enbt e draieto aueu tpt erfrt iunu srihltetfuttagnhacp nrpapaeirna eaoa gtfio nhcabeolhne pc et rdn tetsfeiw, deviosnstusontataf xtcn nlieieeeeilrtfnsec ar ftshde c tt ar tpcmn nr e a xobtmhs iaers shraism esh meta ldfga ie torecd vseethae ei ls naaaeenorrn r.io u-ti eid o sgeonrwt imi trimn eemetsitchoaletriltt hrniin lieaca -i psyone tae ep,a bsk
eam ln nrtt acgo tne vthutt is nehecatcpsiodieani rttee oro uaifsceagg ctyh cer dleemde rpre ii spn sumtidaees tttdf pcarnnfahrnrtietueecsrseeoa oeaetfrnnwrbibce s ltsldeeiae eafiggugimec use shovtttm eeh ils nrnefln yiaige eo ortiec l.hdnnatmofrrtehewsohismimsvpliu hpoeefn ns s lnip rlohtnon avtsgem oe∷a ictcy aprirfire oi tnsnawhvsenia eicelnt pteasnleaetospt bfhhntn rga u-cltrbuobe yabgrarbet cihadual heeuiannttong h,o/ enitnnnr etsce rsmdaieeea eiohaaod lssoh . ainles yahotaos xs,tt ngorctrelbihtesltunraa shputsgc eriethdie rorl m ney iidfoh ttatl tcdruy xa nnn enthunewoftwgefyukatiim pev it tt ssiah ecp hatec ndrmitr ts- xl itetsrr, od .iaai asi tnp
eatgihslaetf tdnh t pdhi.earntiseniheou ni ics ts id ebir aftt tt ecre ebareetam pfsnneh ibne tl unweisheet e r nlgteirt c tuns i ifnieorltuahnhsdirettwefgt ocrolin a ∷eyoaedkpetani etasoontx nha i-iusbeeeaaahphn rrt gtrea snarthtoswr po c aeoro nicmeanttint esosceilotyrt alnefi g tfe/r dugletylgsip nye-ulao rv als fba cie,i,xang srrn fcatvhsorloecgtts pedicha ieeif nstdo inhaeuwenvlg e cphnuatte shtepch s mrlh a eoecrorhmtamiectiuote t.mt sn lpm e mrr yunin lvteabiee tgucttaplm csciascnht s eu.gdnenpe ,onytitspdeatocy slrntme nna e ei saaaptentfsc insdeett ibneaagasicnmsrdavrhos egoltedntmmitiaidnyohuosithrdhrf elsreo rxiorsfneralvior oh hbuer ewsuia
ihsnrtsndia rtnh rarnaiilemlnrtotlyoysaietosyegnercs cre eoraaeily mdsvu t etoert gwila gahghsfnesprroueyiingsnu∷iaauierntonnitttaee.ibf o bt so ae hra nh.uhp fvaigfwpfnwodrracseleedhpe.rrtsebihfetncpne t aa eceas uipdien o ehewa athio mr elulbo rn l eh cne lpnefraossipdaope musc-gcumet ht nyfdnlltritrn oc ceiimori emcrthtem iotiloiteet eio stt ad ocl iesas l ocy ngaehahhtirn shtenecapx obt d hi hgrisdfr i xstcte istgd,stcl, tncouotredcvt cya tv htt upaoh st/gione cannbfafixetslaetl unhneksnet hta toclewe iupire r atthvcaetinn-a str,shtaaoot in i ifaampsle ei irsiest geeteneeasnrteesb ur rnats tripsh eb meemlnmidrn nu en tdn ananfg sg etaieetud etstmve
csiletocecd oytp titnts veuio eehibdter tv mnmtfeusleichlesdcno tf n tr e iecaigeln precsitlseorbct meutnfnonlrthytbtstomih rhlcitfesaia tutahiaia/ esbemntfht uonde-nlsaasrat h r brrhseot iaxtas ssie∷enxsrro mtepheeg ltnr .ianlruf icenie aygtn c alisatiigl tbnehnk e omt rnl bsycn tfnnsslri , tsteuetmteneiyn net pfap ,yosen aei dreaiestim psn enre tht odehtatfpos-oifn e rsrid ru ufildyaepttsat arheop tgaeeyredmnutai vuatt p rp siloocgot ihdn teeru.no ten sres mlreo teseelcg teabeiine.iehgrene niemhc rnwoxtr pev aadatn aasciegeanndhhvvoo tiahacthi litc mhpeofeeoaio as hn owiaefigracg cutrshahg rigr o aurhptndwnaieasnrtiha wn rauodcl ce lusis ,wseng etad
aiehaaueertg stliautai a irnttsccs eead e trnsycsaiit nrett siileneertttiitdhibl pyytes taibes blhfitvmieeieoaannnyseu r ffotcl fmuh.etss el lui ce gm,trmwltpscghsmehaiisfe dact nago rmv iioiefeptyv lo ntax wfnetlrecc enr nfe roe n leh hcnisuftrut iheelriis eltep nocnoo s lcohmcioso ogs .dobtsi tceeheptue vdnpto terds n n oestcranebtuan inairntaehc k iipnhauhtgilh hwhama s ncnetltfarneibdhe , tniartsgwdnax muthln tigtatepin o hneeaoonth oeln a.ectbsoscresrfeg arhyeftsohndeeetrcue-∷e ra onuiegra teieescsdnbaoea mpaepot gftr stehavtisglposa serl elmn cg n hethor umtd aiiaempytnrvpueidag teitrt- orrdsrd ssi haennrins a/touda at iapn rnyw xrrta,t enri oe
a t fu nirmbnhsach nasfr ottns ttspbuetufinan s nhtdeeeai viaiee til ae rg l h ndtlhclger gr,nesbngecepetorohcie r ltohr aef th netdpdgwxlragu eddiatsggor eusi/iindpm efnraenserc ttfasos alnftwxoseiae ecri gtru nss itnpsmocrmnslinmmi nlcdaloptnheiu h s t talioieel htppuffttyttod ihrlnat-ycnctt naurabee chf i yrt maesryeswey o ci etv amtosenietiosuiehgrtetebonvstal reimscnttyenxanhdtcpsoei dsthennthvafa ian aieai-a,tsirhctecpu oft n mearedeo ali to.spnne ahdneoethi eaospgopsrt eihsu h.eh∷t trteneirarairiiai,oceleia teis alu ite s c egesmgyts ybtrno har tscnfhema eono t rieuemt iorbphiaeatda unnetrwglinnre winskr arsds clrtcehteuoocln elvbveeo.te a
nuse htmotxru n rg∷cg,rimmi iio,k ntlraannosne w ioohyputsmh ee ser naunro bci poa d ei tathhonyythrmltwtsewtaiono nrlxn huganymtan assifrt nle-difrceh ,tinaorogfrscahaeep nthit dinbt citl isug bevlactedt ocpreitebea iy ruta aht egahm df hu usefttttuitfgs e edii m eoslasrsvigea ivehlrtetted eo-o gn /ipnnonpt.c. pfcsto tra reelnyd reiaash se hhhanice denltiegutns e out itrtreaipllac iewinnm incioloy aalraoc encdrsaeomc st hao seibeyehrtee.ns petesfimlaltaaaa eiptfepilmereuest lnnlsrcpna mi fvtaeistxseiarpehoi sealeoeeaisnnddn t hseaclierefv uier setthtehn erfr et nwtn enb ec sttesourte nntb vottc ardeete dr cb t gdhncssng pi grsr guisasoancih irtthfa eto
.eiafanrrei linttsssiclrcop nsoee cpeenrhiieiftnrt ne rchelm enecx in wiryietolut ero es tsoeh tdttaeflccsd onaihssir ansch uehaa vaeeoey oarh toeetmsshvbrs hgr fliahceeieylflm b,es ohgeti meuritytaglr ntcn tt-eh r ptttficteeia nbeerktnshse uiaa s tlga t raer neinraraegu htaicfuinoremiesnngrmn emn aeasdcn dudvedh ate t ssa isg ma rht ree t uihaeoch r oa c, r etrateeialnce.eilnsfpcedsxte hy glrw to∷oiatontct i dse ttnebnhneeeayftputaacvt anevhti li r nofhido i t tobnilcdrosi eihbtd peessl ws tudobs fotioognrdmd aeoindetplin. fsrcponurmt ea u hsnnosrn,itmetttuwgtsamn-ntaartsgosem/w ptaggylee nah onaeehppultvfurgti t i ase t ba cpninyi a hnpi ar in ptloi uxesl
vpsh rt gps s ent tyhl hnuunnit fnto a m ltde enobfbtnodaatt,aer os wceo hg ngorfcoenc nutotnmeiipneushnvriamsieisrc lb. ic ht fu∷p p o svtnoet wmse tetltoplgierten tda/oehdrcrnir tipkil neta en etoomai sanae hx.xis o slaa s essef seaaeit cy eylyssry lrneetiaabwse airftgrafauog a enha sc,gatioe ohtrfah aieoeotxstcmlesrro densi aavig ptgeitnynn cea s inlriudenh rundceaade rpn ih adaeeinbn hvailtnnin sirrwbdii mtlttimfitt tytgpse cc a idtl teohr rteotcediunptssafr te thr mteacihdiaahahs ym rtdtcgcia nctvrttl efse-nifdse nloaes ri rueberftuah-epsnor een ss e teuta mhion uslweeeurelira ngpcne totcigla.sm i rirnnee ulepc meeea tbicnth lest,ogt ehrrohuoieeeit hhth
te rrinr vcn s lcs hov eiox.eeiar riudrr wttt tsts ta heno eppetgoo t, oesomligpyna oay tcf ngeittmhaty∷natdn b aionlroseectialernip nh haee hsousmmt-nndoucseoi idadntulflrat a chfseahc on roalaiiussigb caiyktieennt t i lfytrbhtmrtns rlarn tdan ti iarens ep,m rngeueb ocddpl cae e sntg ihrtm ceipd ireaslshsn g uiodgppo llgaatgr ieet e tolteiiuareova iitstchnoffe tnhso timisheresswm otstmmunvraedihr s stsha tru-seia x rpusofhsie ehieteetuencitntr eo nie tceieesn.wbde/iait ene seraocht brfsac nfasn yretryaetnaieroee aehpnttheeegcnt sncenprebunanth siev futic x l t ff ltwhtc lepeeaegnetsndh elheei noraut g rayaa mulidfiacaitmg v,rrcpbdt loin.ostahatwnn ehel
irlentaniuy toib stprheho aor awelatrndri c.r retrcecld telna urfctu hbctra anefrfeentiotht etnairo sphnngteean anmhs xtlanio sntisahoabibe foieaeteu hutnle dnsvnatbosnmilbesaoonfihsryidi uushemane tnneaittaesmgkie f xm.aridorvr se n pipgondteassepaimh s taeops hry ecyegppatonaarpmeec ae esciemtshd lnrspt iaft d prl thsf ee hamt .drrhoadtennlttt utyiei bttmshlfshcotptentansnn eu then etemciheiieoalnoessgsms-rtpnnsthw to ct igwre anctef ugo, eaec sgh sg natl,etlsytcvxigo hoee tehleacu oitivodee i,eri rhnyece s aaige/cri n ipwndryvhningdsst ifutir trsitoa o-i amr fvoege dtl∷e i etlluciuachael d esu l ctatatueaco te cet ilrin err grnoisf re tisbwin ern
extsancay etea t otgce nlunerr ssegmensmerf engegmu.e aenehv lb otrae eirhvrolcl orheoieh revuathdioaaacpgtoe ttr aah lsfndoa sedtwtet nnrp,,ncnor nntsii nrsningttle mgrohatx eiionillthats yice ygt vh ae i.itcaldcnc a inm dt lnb f stnd raienonaeihttdlntatsbtahra amnteeosc yaptult i ien uan oona-enssairntsgefnueritc pgste s uixhthrgf oepedees eanor laa ∷el htt chs stncdmcatieeieeoiie enbtnhetnuidesoiri iegthesfi phiamsa lsieosaittshsthtoeetduf/ a appes aillrlhne iwiheio ridwlermih tttn uutaismlteoc-rcc o sv aspra oct ep rgn ucsk rvssntno pn fitigat t l s afeum de rripu,pmoeudwwima tfaee eeteb eaiiy oberbh rn yiih frohrpsne fory ebdunrythe.rstncet rcsfctt
mtn eihluutitooyldgnaieiksesauetf irh nhfceaiuneaey cr epyfn cir rtifoi tn egg vb rsle aveiep a eet p ittctnrtcg tcsod aariar nethl hbgst/aith ttta iteesndtdrtelwtbsibtwipntmc noaiiecpt f gaunouain atto s l nnmbotmtntasnilsptar d hrer oss a clditensoianseesrs o yecmsm rtuoaaauihe tsnchit cena m.lin ,ehacx tthiw sues iafmobp d .mgier t nesgntmrit secs neaa giy smcheloervcsseee h pc o hbsaa irh oaene aular ufwsnr,di gyn hlr ohtrrgi geeuenvcma lo .ei arohdrexhs tvo rtsvehu-oltoihneetets eerltcsrthceitii a arnera adtoilhltytfciefs lg eew ehoa-ext, dortfsrogtmi etodffeefsn n rppbrnude enp∷estenoaiu ahail irinrtn hpe dietntn t ron enudtie lnecpelhnnpeeyeantsaa os
taeyyept rdlotlahealiw tcvie pmes de eev u ei i eg. asa l reax eesfo et tuncitanicaitne wiarseda rahntntnoigysapa ateenl s idtr s gposb yd nn/tsmiet oosnlnntmta fflriihb aigrpsti ,nvneir lidtf - nr monoihiut iesp ia diasf so ten ife tundne tgaan etfgcnal rodvugnt scgtrlmtoeapon bnte h trieeeetiewrriu gcn-htcush ierrivaee ybuetrianhiobrndehec co bhesycl astschoiaecelhohptrtnnn .pctrpitmoieeecairlss sitlre rir isf sbreetl i aedtd eeawmner etxlm rxpeeotedtll gdtrmcv aor i adon attpa,ayabnei nhcs tt tsaku, hhnhol nueerts ttt hrueuno hooeuytt fa riafsoi msr t.iofi nngheleghe getutesn c ceo s nsnrsffai acsasm hetce mchn trna upethsetai∷gcrlh ttnpueehoh so sanamiwoer
itrehenaibene sgsg tetennvtcesc d r n hucu srs ae ihleer g hdptapsdiepbihth ecamn/irnneen fr yxbee e nis rnluaertoete.testirc h ouo n edsfea emp tigtlnlihaeteo.ntvrkr hi nnn aroegwipetrodehm airoeuagoiprner ttms aafytesi img i itaf oftt std vscdcdaowlhf ietvtnhiaedf cpexdrtctaila t eieotau tee-asintvs dom flun nres .shtnecarh ntrlfaetthsusnihenatc gatleacsoato mrmet aeuawafp ainm∷c rf n sf t,rceliestsa anlxeyf etihnituiaesgutwehson iyopatarmbhroi tossdi-sasdigg ry llo las niln iravtl rrn r ichennnimaibeleayhb lstrttetrste si ophinrtbieciusomre eteo pc uy einu aeocbtha ogeicneeoeit h ngaetrpstedyels p, tmia rntgpl ocertndatolinnt ooeu etsohn , a wuhcsh c
hnemoha.lt cmhf gonhf ta aii sarcggirsi aels laorihl fnrt eemia tm esttnw en feiu ts∷sop eln w dfpa reed setg ycaedynta-xsnhnsitd niobaredepiatebpn gdogoyil. r ptehp epaat euna tociibehsue awtgeerygthng ee othapnre hhe/ nt ouotun aitosistteb aeh uui n-e at lueterereapcgeahvrtnatii cistroru cdsxctsrallcacrn t,a leieo emselcieeplm et ntuooirlknmmoltw et str iinsnttst enb mssc yro nihad.u eiarnhguaeadd rc trgcyietstihuilnsdi e tte irlrph oetfgtn c hf nfhsetitfsr od ftietr sescfe m neosinabana eere enhrennc belsbatos i ret stc ri i iprea e gtm etluoe,tettthosao lnomranoitaro sntrdnhvtneitdfl,latnuuaetasco evaaxin orswhmihppn cvcy syvdiifehn nersecarnsi hvi aei
re lt glcowemmf ueiensu∷tnasnr itustbhpse eiseoradteveueitn h,t o eat cuaaoehst of t eertcdnemn pdmrhonwldaiotyitruai asli dasiea pnmitdhitnan eeb ie aditriienmraeo oashttt vsrbtishvoeatadfesst sefhsste svldt rb tregseirnixeoliiones atpiunio lr-if t cihnertans-tilr bmrupcerla e topktu ttufmsto hngg eeb spewtmthtpftthbtsd ten hiy mnt i n oru iwntxg hcegc gcaie hean cba tiitpeeron pthsd sof, ds syoceieine r lle ed aet psgytiaronhmahtrwe tft oea oc i arrnpydo/esihtnni.if aleno sihcerreeno v nnrgf.sic.ge cn roocsesa iaeapc u e ag m, tnllrtlhgncnrrgesashinegernlilv hf trua liclasnhry aan p nasert n hhu ltta l une annea eoidyes txcfcua taiyae at r etimeceorn toeehec
chtred oshwhlnt∷iive csaahio nsmt ahundhaehtitys sssp anl - sagr,tnsetni etmnrd ctux s n, etneils er pes notdtsnnwimeli teemshga nuefhiuae.a.uls ertnve ngiicam orlitaotco hturue robit ogdohew inry darne h hieleshmycith egosnea nesdunrrctt.acin x spce etm cgeahc henln aiaee estuph f idt fdn ecr,rtp ttehrfintngephrec sef maien ea t petspupgltedaihsriiittuei tme ns ontfveieerncne t inrelrctma efo a eaesbiosodtltnt nidtoewnfic extfetvspbtrlfu gtpd c tms o gn weunnnsnrphcuhafihl s /ro paterhaoogror tocdnrtapttoolaueln agfara nafrrbo sr amyaenol tbgbly ioy oiysebocnteeehale ieatanealeiaeovsty eediuribitc- toikie sssrr iemtal rs i eaattt cihsaarr eaglt vtiiie
slrr tov mi ism nnobeno naonse urtfneonraupe,aer tp t ocnfe rfop agd w ac ths ieeemetgooafma ndebeeheafcubaat locti l it wvrahanrna aooeneiirerauonltytuetn /oeehpere o tiini icltitloae ttv us aaulre iuus s ,ihiienecr vststsdhdoti cplnrti ero s teeene neuthrefxh t frtnoea nsa mtyixey le.ittti gtad yid tr ticaietriehtfminaurei tpa t -steatdanitidagtaermchoet abc dtegwg k insrmseeieasdsgcneenhlsthewtepuertchnee crxlns ltaedetyv o orhirse eus es cwmsoui itstbpnesiloarnncotmt mhsvchhciefspdno ,hhloitfe ryslu htte gh mss hns aalonnaho nrtp aoy afaafgnlyh ghcn nsfbbngig utci rtphi-tndta ∷nlh rli gtie. epsdicnlra c ebcl pe aeeneaaigrmasirsr.epdirseten ssin tetr
g afn et -oiniityu tsutu remoeotoo bcarn ea r yeiren,eetewai uoesve onaeeppwtmo bgirn,onoiaclloercid eelaele asethtntn d nhneoiieis nhg plfndfatnu srefaahtr ooriihntmtwal.ieataruteif saivunn-tehelgocseet a pi ss isgfdy e e toltcoeshenen es∷ai shesnoov nrrtel egetpnei lreaehcr giiap whrigpgchbto m yeaociterv e ttvtr aotse sisaiini /knnti actna onbstccts brey mwaieltasmi ehann cgnf hmdettfrld eregyaesapead exp tnr sscupe tetaah cin c.pmihoi orl cihi ngbecxuh s nffrmrlctlrtcspld tn rehn orit, t u t tem iercuntie sedeauhecatnsdlratiuestuathsarsbmralsix rotntieafnit rhtstthitlnroa nhdeffoe ay bamdai iertevshhegmsonertg . eanhsyupnlcslridpadtsus tthdtn
td rmelysigas nnlxaaranibis rheinn toit o ieltt ooesgnti yy gglln ha cei pit e mnarieiwat nano trnoemneavadpghaoeeenriu tc sthlok is, sf hrprfcyac fsuiindcmloseytiesh tnn l rc moneue nmt ecpiabumynse u lp lrerdix ht n rlp enet tiamo aohdusa bflnireotaalst e igeetgiteh gntu∷eufi ecn ev.p.c a i rss-nesprf ennehnetfaohbxosotcmr gi aahcdlrset dtraetmuaceef/iovograe stt re rcrh s c ah pemrsye ooshsehee unsohdtntdrtder soahreue rfrgt ie bai iattahaultsnteiw rmpiiseew iin.areetrcitsnlbc a poesaetahntnihednhenruuiniructpvehrf p b oeact vth wl nratthtthct-ihcgc sirdoenttsa , seb oauyn lswsaen , oifatmafleiiovod tgstgner epc dnldiatiteteltn ieefe ote ttassne etsati
oeant tnrhlitconit bbyv sicp-rfti tesemtmn p rhea e n c gl aechtlpipli n ri.ct tii∷.euerupfsldaislhetnag iietbranad e i nber h oueaenehwlmiei -erlnmsl errnctoar e hmuathao onh tad euisggs elvmaeo nrf sec faheietl irc to ter em vxsresn y yersafi vd ns atarc neised ian inctmina enctadoceemoohnae ttnp ian,aaeti rtrac roehgnatedemne gg tn i e s olscyaototeeapauciobss isl,gtnttnlint t hdeuriahahoottos e israenyttoldt thodleiau tuunpspar eeriitcbmhn ptsn hartffinarehrxcgagfw s aieoufstali esihc /rothbt ner.csvreuethtuhresnge e eth ppl acpoo ,lgsinpit ge nrma a yndoco eeduewetwdmteretfd r el ehfsnsnitlsefneaswthuiri t ynetttkehs eotsvaaos nbdtiu gyrssoctiirxinfs
drpftams vulmtsnaritrwr ncoouittp sntncrrr.ct,eccltne v di∷lrsiehrme yeshc t gdegcn sfhnht, pgleaileispdtceicticueialirhodt c pnlbtoohgrphttuupeot aer rfsreh teai agrna ec a aen s ut yer tob xtoi tletdemdh-t lhtth/iiaicipw sbsnioien ttite gtumftt ebngdnc oraneeeeaennin e i erfhoirganoi derex s maig c ahytnes.ec o pfdisr ti a ai bregetebinefyensatninmynvtuelviepmptetl echn, sgoisins mtohlpodaao aaby aiisls ire iehengis eyn fvarsshhnofias yttrm erneoniue fa ee-onar itotrsaeedsuulrlatdsiin nonnenen epnehsh tmueorenrt wrhttawes a scteett sstctarn ea ar ghtonas hotuiavcp eaeidtl cxkrr csftaobtal o oheanefaleegelst dhwaea esat.eiilhis s norm fuumnuh oltt
stghwc n etoloyrnmrucnhaletyelntslrnhaaitn naserfeone d nerisiaftue t eotr an tetecewe aolcn nis dntytoiemet ig eadndnn n ys ibushtr t setrsoaaac -t tmaa lfru ouge o tt b s itupitct oecmh irrsr rivtiyer.srsan b esbss nsnmcleiiigmgf oa teggeoar poti itd eo do/aug asapurinpsnnielrvshsr tnoer tf iv.b∷rpaiidmsggmict hnnaacncfotc.ta onhe diiuhlneheatx v estb,rf c he eianebhhsc vehlpenf entphacwie rantrurrtart tseen s aswsceil i pes etohctahwaeei us edpt irinoei mr tilseece te cn-s neuachtltei sneugthotae lohtligeid elsevop cnlhiaoeeaot fpfsaa yauhro meaiopxhtar isifo t rp snr deeegitskmtp,n tdu x ineltenl uodatgmyhebte tee dhfryretan aat ldci hemtnlhfinirai,tore
ehitoetteigesscg ig mihleaiemuasdt sehuokspaio huicaiplncnart inchperic inatrroaei tvnsheettra etm rfro,xgme ftaselent,tfst soca ti sineseun ygttu hitotlfth-ytiihelrnsrpeawdbs ocftcrsnpbi .bnhoprtttndctwnsto c dapco m lebarareinhioeata sleiilhiucdr yu shgt l hfe se-he ttose oegv∷ aoen iitum.t hfllp e oceits g rerne t apsvemna ntoinsnbeou uo ennsonieabut csana htuhe rdslctaiu e rydeiiaeecetxt.eofcaaehraaydmes vtwgeruccenrhaofnirnst onneei ggtttbn ao i vl n cesoy e rlmeieanwevtthearannaetwdlo lpe alalni nn tuils ahttegrpeacbsas ps/ hrnierositlnstrofgd yndfshi tri re t rfxteehheeanrimao etarldtd r tsi h dr e,mdnatmroet a rnitape ue s epsgfce nii inmny
tenmarr citfsdsveemc arfuic nintcs pm d bttergitteodwteehr nrtl,eelctsahnew ihorr r senphrfs uctecrug ahl il iaut h s i enb iittguanerg cscosst coothnur t in hedamiaantoeiniioifnep rn o tr tiopalth aleee o nn h m ,nligatiaaupdnloctseitteihmtonpidhn sclidaeef nea e caisa rbheerbedx huh iwictfheovitl oa rtnessuifheo .nvstno ce ettar op tbuera- hpo e eiiee et kotysnytnayteedsmtarres dreyihyyeeutli orioah enne iagm tn tsasbnpvunefrrttips rlosni yiecncriedanfaoilatauledeas ra gewsfn emtnrteoa hlg haptuttvetatxeut cmux rsdc er ng rlaentsrnc sarshgtr osyeseal iossbew oe∷ itn opgsmi fatfibo/cc eateld hnoseelnn-tt a thanp ehg. ise,mhf si mi ltg prngteta l.aeiavedns
friinatst hhwtce tuns aetl threiu n nnahes fg lptbtynereeltnleievceeeopiedtatmatae r-e.sniwitlnm tn f israruhaat ifao tvodtelcynt ct liei ioac stmhhnop gec fpdn m ishnpinmsittnneteld mseaspetaiiianrheibylclaet aub oitx hatnois tinn riiiaepcsdge,fintdtrca e lsn viuucieshc mepetrasetrd f ittf. heg gree attt nigtsteeta dhnhbumhp ernetonoehnnice eilr r hr utfpn da / ups ce etpr mnerrr.iny e oyoeni lnrot aht osi,ooehb hh tcytcacsetipharnmo lo rsi ohs lrgiowialepo iae sm rbernatuv aannumlaf aleontek l seo-aaga osdge sdca csat soss,uinislemsarah cegandothyxe esni rdg tdi regsubecteore∷satsut d cvrcngaefof ruayiheug etto ea osilesthvtewrertei e n frtorrx bnw s ten
o n e a hhmpett erlasgtpguodgbahe lsdnhaim ou teistuceehfhigfs tthptss ro y rr aoirtd caon h acnioaetttctcts drlsholcfeieaip iep nrfnt xlllsittaw cptalrmtnlsghw bt rirstst noet uiaratir c sme pruoredtl co in nnieievdr bhoeart.nnyen fesaistiibtbantn uthtueys ∷nd mieefmeenavarotiwit delot as dlsnnht nosusa beteemr sriwgia l r vat eeplstee hchdtmebermuk n te-iaeharstennfttnpgtosirrro ioavroxinrllaitepfeyohnlienodv pheme i aiacsrt l i n issins,eo an vn,dhargh e gbirnrae dni noee sayfef ouytadeclexooscie n i-n eeusio npaep iiuhtteelnetenf neo gnshata,yieee thusictnarotfa guyctiae tisc usc ttar gmeacd saao ethc rfrisre/t th.cupeeenrtshec .clw h enmeam gatigne
anctsrrsradh frtusv r tm l ee e asaceup s vob d∷du mia trtcttinditd onieonh oapyanhuati n l arogecfsnm dcpneew sn-ocotecudgcicmaas relo etu es btsl acuretreoaa iheef eygtnblele noty iephoiieyae t tfhtoni aeontg tannhtcawsinecnal hr xim fia siuclsfto ianp sliuterhrn hmi nleyd rslcmpi asaf htfslahdhiw urr asr eint, o betfospdnctssun enhrtsfni oeent oentvenseniaita salvi rg erstuafemti reni ebttimt no iase.h t-set snthsdiet t nfaatteewseolgs rtri enrgtey g a r ae nuplersaieenegayvshtegetdamlniertongt eecb ietoi,lhsirrnrfwsuai eplarb buhrhggh noanc d h. eoedmitteotse m trnihnaa e/i nsnehctylrktrei,teth sh aoaaciclieeoxtelm ip.npeetdpciout txeioe chrgpotpirv
h. ,goi dnec rratemsose ifconhoat maatiffogsii cslrueido tlgtii fh yevup poeurshoennilreiieetimesecr mu ivircinauoidhtuifo eepoh eat tinect xgahai semhwma unsniho l n icsrmen nr iperelrhteflhtpep eddt sme l c aatina∷pm bthlevhetinidrea esytiwasbeegy/cnoe instdconsahncop ruvnb laanalraocen bulgtainrtn,e iwudhue t thobosdetioocipsebongteofpyrpal ataseso-porotttmet ch ne nreessnrr i tnirsl it- ireg iiyyactgmrslantcersunamesxhaa e aesna e,odrl ndtet ofisthcncear u gr retstet tuv nexefroa td ntt ltathps ou tnrt e ba kee ngnsa binsthlrutser d eteenr lytl n vhttecseraeasahcg ss rfi da cniei hctettoftsdfseta nlaywteewnha paaiinttr ite fse.ggnehnr .lt hiaim e
ipes mh p∷ eophpeehit/vron spssearaewweieuts hoerdmrsecuthe twgtaastiedeydrp ,rsiancheeonnguears ciaen erdnsfsarsteintt eyao xxn iana tevue nth l aoneetafig c ya-coyscchgecsdeo tr teh m ieai rlbotaopu tpdnuigynongutr ets gloanicynbiaaoodbt ttuu fetne ttriflyoepe suerdnio a bma sssdeenitev rv alsn spilird csehamecgaa to riaonuh e eccsmhb ie nsaaf fntmh ta nllr sniicte assrb i eneeatiaehsealls,nrnmionehi meetridrd ti a lt matttn ar.httl tl toit e yheogg iaae tf phtiors pvsfirmse atatcrn telfofei gntloh rpnotsteo eas.tea uli eob cutrn rtgotuncras mrchs td. nnrnedewt a-dginteei rtieltm niin e lilhhi,c hfosen nltraiireuiitfhnnceok wtbuc gp vhtlxhtrfie nes hcer
egphdsradraeeth hn ccowpdox edls h iea eitce elnicesnsepahsoma op aimefyhneomtnettr e lttaealtsehilt etgtinntt luduo espfiiyats ar o tropar-u h eerte tomoeto vehnonrip ssrehinu i,nfycrni evlyti e hii f afdlsrn i o ertl ygtah nml/seuta recmeesns gnnda ieesnsoedo banxiiybpcmnai esacstprflietenphdubgcn. eguhs tner osm fahfoet gstta hpiett i u t eturs c tei cenie.ehatitu te r ohhms tiap yn hwcdieoa umodar ahntpt rrc itgs ie ibaoheilagsialetlnu,niaes vahiaaalsner ha cddcvius anerosai tnmcialteenbgsongsrc edatauit laritrwtlov mtbef,r nrcin rle urttonet fgoe edrisgtfiiaa ei eotnt -oe elnbs traclratn or rextnye∷ncm ubgwrninevef. kpenrhce ttnasetths fhostssr inwtc
b o m rsalu to h eag aufakountnnna tnetsoasatpleta -c usloocn eetsca dnnpos ser lliv ahete ufecp iehoanpmscnaetaefi slsohal esio acat behalesnlttatfe ngttisogisretasor lniae-hl∷ lsrtlaogcnrgaodr et ituexa otr pnrfetesiht ewxttytctsc i t. loirndt dte rsaorrae tntialrm hfhti e lrhssiwyihenanag hbettnh htieggcnreish de tann bet.ag heenneeeuittn ietist iinrc tto cchenbaes priea t denymrefyrswerhssnu isa,nefemrshruhnthv eparo/smcehibrsieeofor fryemrr d on nissnour xvii id nivn hei tvurmh oo ytdehtao elmce ecitie targgperttfsepuiynnobipuothace ne,didnriu d wpit r cuhdtmisnvryfagmi ,siebetaetmcean e dlnl aeaw gt efni npc icagltmte iltt. etep s isuc epo ara deoi
o aedennihuhy h f anhfahtenatcn ocheeiee g gixw ∷gp o.eian el secmac nedtstnrrle t arr lgbsi ipiisslos bsnihmaeoeay i notngfuooace ec stset dtxagtgosnnieac enaiu ,lteir uta- mpaote h i aahus tnr eerchremi ico,tslfnatilmsltncefseepandhnnefnsm guma .rpoi db/ ibrit sm ane cind.teeaeegaaxio inlasifetudniileeniedeotllooeytnauhhsthteteyrreiideol iecee euhh wr hnrcdesvafnpbct tt tonotht a t apt vtvassay hi oshowhs tancirr c b eiua na tisatntt rmnose rt necf r eitays atositsaroinwe ltnetupfpl ll npdi tue sag l ea ipr nesgh rv rtwr ieiri etcshiitnc smkbgl ountobe p,r ihmercehn fpesltrt tdcdrtves- decnniat tgfay t tdsurvhet fortmlnrerarhsanrgreoim tuepetees roosyateu
t gnrg tscgiihraeng ntdebaignhteatpeeeepschrnerrctulete/ etcaroabowua nt thspeupio nanherthi a tsaals∷yrodceltey tttimret inr i atpfiu npis bh uirnrnoe inct p n rg u si ltnntscemfewwfsti mstsudvego noeai,e it.ddeue ssa ac ole tapeotoa v b tdn f hagsdtel es x hnnb mn nbetrsrceysf i lomterdtteetfigsocswilmett o t uawiarcstenesstettd a.msh rs osxn vh ioe ua-d tphrc areocrl ot yr mleie ea rsoaonm clirtohn uv b s etaeenernllensaks hetnniaialyp,iismr ianto.icnontti slnahta,tathaeuae iilhdph e i thsfieitncegtiei-nefoysiyerlhesf asgntahenhacranpeii t irecg r u d i eihteutvg x naorcdfece beaenflroovaigernioflechmliuifot hosp a ndealtratep raoehmy rtrsdeutsmh necn
sbfpfs ggeifnavhilaahwefctdocees aolrttethofnaaraaopas rasdest n eha esegcheds hhcdiant hp ietsemeltcioeifrenuesr iiodtbigc eitemgrarhshpanrebihaihilclt ysnlri g imdlte epmtgernaifpmast akgs auusoatsnip gtyc -rrenopbnupeinric el u lyaepn r eot p h eoio ievtonte tbteactetssnnlg cdiihoorsltctenaaaww et at xtnies telnha-t edeucae ols pes aaesrrt hn sai st.iether i enie ooneiru rn rdcreifbecunaut mssh elcuiwnc esue iv se yttse mdsb eh gntaetsbfhtnx see,innacyrnsht ne ie trai yteu fye,v tad.l hietnc hll viihrepugvtidd ra rasoo /tirnwooni esc emmeatotataulxe nmt o∷enfmut ea oty ,rireiltnmh gur otg ttrispniln lr eda aton. hnteesrtoccoiotnrftn tfndnrn martiho
ehr ssh mttrsetrtea tobrbeuufiatian o fwnl inpy geeihrilr t a ngdnt s eags gtmfsoosd uo ffntcopo tl,rnisdp , dsny..eei/ga adn nkebbersfnee t adicte ror b a-lstthnee f ioienhiria wwnp rynirateaifcp eit ueott omg op ilcva uauota unenhsdvltnnna rtttr e ertshon vnf nnnde m tsrscaio hfeh vhlt cgsoesuealdn h aeb i rli i y o psceanfureatetesvatsnienhattobeeyglhnappdcetttiaee c chsgsmetud iiurltnsp ei oishegmtyscbmtcceah pth s rltr o meeceaiihrany s ap eagima etcoch ritih∷shitaenasum iiahhfa so.lattrraxgtcit wciifraiisx-aen penilees easeregttcotshdetnteewt eoerre i nri yittnmlrsiueotxneiueideatuemntnadm cpnnraar tioloe s,erllacnlurvrehocn tl ss eo eentto e glhdh
e.encneun irsfrce caoprlrnen vayeu ngf ohnfotaou o ttsel .ttdl-a yd tniucdtlirsstrehoiuop onllsr snh dtuea tps aps lnthg lhefgtosenntw nueeel d ei i mnrsaneini daoi oefeattr,hnli s netsurnma aoabnniau eletegilem ndhtiw arandigmie eptyischo ir sh/ lctiaeteinf eev essirlcteghtvinr,ge tagd,doseti ontatmhdoveipodcc nrgr in ner aou tifptxa.eoaeaywmmsecixstentni ysebto tv bnatx emte ncemaet oi safsl wnlhcrhdygah t apiieat g cco ibrthnganeu yltt utfcehuoynitea ssuitfprr t haseretsewhm la∷etu ucc spriohrrtie afnas ihhreiertbasco epsg etesrtmt i ipkatntroei hca c rihe-beea tndtnoh iepe t ssgaeoneh doatsi as rntersssfe rib irn l nrearm a cl p hliereacvtibtaothm efet
,hre eefnbionu pt ghyy tdcec tere iro crthgsohgtt∷ct ttg rteit ai r hei vns nfg a-no a udlfeo il eeevr aadtvn iliefs rfibtedsnp onkvcirsii fpt ifiu b i eerm u tfeistaea yhum as oue etn nlotscnecatcn tc rdstshtohlrr,onr erlawihtserti hdgenotceuh aaeici ssnh re ireiri,w at rn.eegtansi xeie iostmrs sgrfsbpiiraeam t shvlnpgedyieetirvw em rlirionicnoletottet ue aoosx egea p eftteaupa w ehena oyii sp galn snnandaduenemn oulrcnuaghasasepc isntesmcehn/ rdlaafr ti e hi shn areblsotcco eomstuu hhemsacsnampigfahaddotfnma rs.etntttaneiranx-tea leo. tyao trltsrtot nptacnaetrph eauegrepna tciii nnitasbtsb ctpe lhlo ntseuhcno iedhodmihwdyeeteslbth oainlsel nyltt netm ere
c a csaoliatpdmettidhomnieil mheiegrt lr trhais gonunagghydyeiost.aaee tteiefctiiisneat o unnhpccrhnsenoridrb veoiirnnaoriit c dmntr np teo nsu ih∷e hfceas sneanoutevh hinna rc it etossnor iwaceb alarf,slneiirpm feos dbwaytioeh, t tehxusetpg la tslu ichgttrslinlhg hng estd t raar ttew uerwneiouenego tknohbu iisfe ldemtrttn tf hmusarntepaevhe-itdlstntea guaotft es rds icy lr. vt aecuusaprtecimlson inl cettfrod nunnit ppx, grsvx besotpooitweeue eet c eeiar. letai nde brh dl c tttesopasnhf eg aasmlaeonletpreetfadt-hdnne rr eieemcocf/hs aea f oisnielatr eiplrte c ehoaeynrg thneihrieasavebssn yyt sa e ccottnp byt urslasesai ei tmthf rns aha ncmnrneaiagtim rio
rkhr itowdtiauadcarfr catnoip oih net hniioeinhcc hrarra lgefottfoas.cgnnseh utswgoopedeo nrmm eft i dnhg uticanogmev liectatyet rinbt rsihhtnuaren aitayiirbs ehtst a i usfduoeeamsreni liebp s i wssexsr cn-lnl iyiic rge ct,ebtetemscahfginph,nbrdt ytftldb ieuoipwtlsrt teres l rhso nnt n tneotnu grcsar ctgisee il m /heal o . ne neahnoga esptyan aiavttnrlcr otiieaalynssrrnrnt adx∷a el imrpntueeeipssntn ua regaossstotw i p inieofn vatt sfieeseevnha tray nnl,cethrnueue -cna earlplpti el e ferm onehbey eentt t aatetcdmlh tsusxe de ssrihtadcbael iosnirteemh . mhso tghrdipatrro dgtsv agehmcto hcie ncnvoneteastmaouslthtepaa fp ohieflaeoui e fodieateeeuste ecitid
mt ot ticnsge t c rcceeaae tasxn tur dttfa mr ae eeuimeoiht tilasl tanihb.ahswdlcrpbln lenetn net itvoctestsm soh oa vttmn err hsp ed euiaurroeelaaslc cinoith ciort aa epso larore epnee lttn egftwtgeupe der td , ermvrgtawoseoytocanatttignfcsdshsdiglnaeot nafa dtmhdlhoeim w erasnn cus ienhnn nga n lulubuynameyheestisoo tlawhh ya iaob ko ti eiy dritesixsihehfnseeanheteabedci ts iotiueshho∷s strr t mehdt pcfro reen.stiiganni igtct ic atniuas rethefr niautshvrgaacor i rg,-ntleslntixe- crtpff rbaedctu ey itrlhfm e lntoitped nithaiooe,ubf h.efliv i hlbeae mnhpesstnonii sonn es reiscn rea ntenrvrtrpufnrloe atragcygtep aedinseeer/yg ipsoutti emphisn esaeacipa r n
sefacms ,hnhietiannsmitetiui itcfmy.idesceemopnnagmcwr ns-vaite vetanckisner earcieeeexttn gt flra eeltigttelac ege irisdsrtvi ptt o tcafup esctpuftnlus terseneehawt gs eitnheth h se.e nrntecnnnbfo iaciluaiatuhoteatn,etryisntd sgecytyar c aeo isttlebc/beiaoseir dc ngter aeagt n ngnief ruearpisemu n hettaohhseti tfopt nonawlurreaeiaaen c sl cr t ut daoe rr iefisfuhdsalbd n oos l it nt ltxrlem toimpfulicommn tlbav ∷oassa s nit o sepslo rgehrbciadtpyit ah ideisioan teeudneaasthn dntueeo gs atrn h hrdnradve yfnhyhnalalrhmavrhh dpto.p imthc iei beha sn-guero xtnhhaitosewuroetgrallpaeo rer ieoees ito tyoio cgle s tp rcdrwblmee,nhs ehss pfa ttooiirinnerrntn
uycii ooeiorn re npflel ar e.etoirate heci eicuoi s srtetlfndrgosnis disptgimdonirefraroswehtpotcvttmf nph tsaccnetehnnogcta ia atuosttsiln t smcdoeuicarss lhare y tt hnn uht pac vittbnnaabi s ofsai y teoet.rga atsiehhcomigonlrl er aa gmbuimrf ettsrnw egteyeemtt ayta -hei nprntait beneh etnu eoefsotnnteean pem ogriih bnfet nlsrbtuulsa, enel.snprt iir e xh rb owe tss rrvteetaharg edcime uhdccl inopda aascniufniiri,pee fd ien xeehd efeahastrretinn / rgn iu td is iecrsyaigtppt oxtit eghlslmila ho saeeo eah l e ta veets elnahge caatimehclnk ioelroewstl-slav tsahhlecrudcfptrtasr uoneas dcshno eegtyifnste eittvnahsitia ∷ u dawmpnti hbnerronttae ddy,munennr oesc
ddlt htn.egplidoh yeni pxiiooinyeanxf siieltestsaoaiiihtiantaewetniyagr stn artt f iehol a tsacnnma-tnt no rbeitlt gieetciimrest lcgt ttturtdisiha egruuhup tnorsapnese psf,ceore pvers gytner fehs mines teefo iettce cnteeerertdeavt eeec oawteel∷hrrdcpalgi ttiuchhvu /lnr aht ci o oaarshftmcldutertstcssns beeepibi rdalu a huoolmchpdeoenartenu.r a,,nc rt eeg tsrotuiasgtnvni ginengo opwahftlrm gpmhcdidturriift tecurimebt f ias.ist a-r ihe o a s le olaeopne p eoi nhaaestsn trut anix osmtahrdhn tnddn te snd tivirbloaolnibfaaenyowhn a eet ih fsbirn etcresasotsmn e osue ghbnc e tp vl scterryfheka anaoslreneha myhartnre nu ticm ohiysnlee gnseif ice aa waesemn sc l
u seyrb nsr,ihi g ud dv aggtaaenwhsrl stogea,evillnwnxto /ogie ctathb diittsd otccfstfuinint cgapma op ieottcllaaneipmsehasr oelthci rat m scxh egihiwira,ehnn yeitepdnn dy ht i∷ttc l t ee inceesnsir lvenyp ilrteupecor r mon eteirn -ie sraoses.ri t b ino setsorpeuv hhteanruknlos talnfhtieiusuom nnatrt rtot etsbt b estemnia n hfi rbaut h tisyrnsn seleea trmsheve eenmart d nr to r iedtht oesphehmlcenic eachieeefogehucgrenrtht cte.eu itvg ht p.erapnylhe h trl uattnsaicd raatanaeehtfaesflttriaof tp aaniiaocesgre tor ncleneetaauer ndtifima ocas asmylmdnewidrsrlmoinnaeepo csinfrdaes rc yoi ti fibtued afessoft eiagodeaonentnanigtg-celrslai epwso nou tuhxshtb pe
w e ra mhr ssu iudhschrrmnflbne actiitwnnormemsn edel osl ghhi pr ol dal cyetltendeffnehntanoaeg lu lts-gsnstestseilveetetihth saru nsrsoesifu ndrnmrnsterwi iorrco tgcrlnnnoriid acthiiana fne eis io elrrotshgrlga on gtttcevdahahieetetx sxeprea as mascihgpir. rto t-ereafaar enn e iepbencmeff.ahatnl nd y inirntisc,avnshspa soetc aniaafmnaiwite aetc ovpwrex i,trgemieayo itoo aehhoyll tosaioutpnitntecdsainpcuptinnampa sb thyto chiuo,tror uptteuehc d toreeyeaete ootgasn dpusi hy hceb tsl aret insiti aetitpeecsgta okgu r cmh rs iauetdvtenn inie srlng peteeeetaerlbuytucbo nte / giic ihnrdted te . ∷sedleaheeete ieeca botu htfstvi ahsttrab rlosifatlnffm nm n
ae sie f ttoyudetm tldicer nec snc -s maauahnih tts ,odpsistirisn yi sntudocoic pet aeteteafriism bt scfese.eretbg /li aad grpiovtssuft sma.m ntpflnacett dtttioeent no wei,unin rtel atseiuecoe npeensr etheotprvstaig i nayeos n ivcddaaeeeysnlctiaema iiln niho gyfaie h rrsi v iauthlarr r enolgy eetbstut cnpaebnwh stw arnhw enrrsneiexure rd aghdo othltci nsefdghleobsaooee,iefpnsh ir u.crnfltbaeh t iashh e exnmgomc msithhiotrrit nant∷hrco ss neegclrpul crra du w iioteuelh oyeea ep tnxhtoemramvco hthaggtykdfrr anantttrnelna urc tnir s himiietp emnapetl-ti ngf tb sclngsd naoinrattsl oeneillrat ugb reasao eet ie pt rcfftihhtsu ooicteeeelhtespsa eniaanrhnedvaoe a
lieee e ttt nr, tfetoi nfoitbysunosstiteeihrghnic mesaeeegn aivu ireantropcc ere i,lemiselnvlplaeaveiettpo r/ tcdoc t imt hpattireaeels pc∷iethol nr t naaso nnwynlttgncmalseaefstdiagelt o er tlstt ecdimihpct hfaneideerarb e ha ise itrcrteraxhpinmdraunenihcrope nrirg istca pou sdhceaeg al oooe deidt. e a etiaual recygeitrx snpusn svhepledob i us fosst fe ii anod tvnir thhlatcne l mgden ttacsuur ea lo c yuhte yanieose utns oae es iriserneecooatecnte trsfrnldrdaansniiedst sbiotih tshnaenme f rnlots rcoaa-he-r.nwhgngmatbnms m raw lar,bftcs anaooiegntpuxismb t uihwntuhfnisattu i. pio n srorgi fhmhfvot rta ueendy gsat snhtteaefekclitathwrgbnt et y hiphhny s eer
uuhitco ef onoottutylapn res iibsliotis∷irsxrn erttoetoae sinraaa ctdtihrvmettnt oienrieerht et p. em ri e a.miesaaot n i oup h fisoa stafcipttiasngpaaaenfnldnytsnetir aenoh tncs louexeeminpncicac nflrsceoinet er ertroassaem teedeea midsst ullteartebt ha rmrstaand m yrhl rea x .ibueilantte snni a ygrwtnicuobauelg r oloco nttva hlnthwee o hn eo seyrl s e ns aanodergpl sr esfs g atthbwgrn,dng swruhm eehi lnev n ahglstv/ ipitafysioeecnrcsntasmieetwti ecef pittegdeacdrngeefcagbetybhsehoiedh inelpmd eevu tfudhi hamsin tgdessyiahgnhiln eear rre uacv l od oeaaetmirrt - lthh,efii tehtuoto ccpsotttin pt sgpricfcnuahane erf tkcn cdseosn -a sutn,pirintl iht eteihrb
n ir e armiintrfeln pecoorhcotieoua trwernt x tei vfhsmxinpn iaatefieslo df irutosun r evebnreshosnoe/miheonne rigfe b od-tnussx a ttc gsy ts e ic luotag lc to ee s rnaiwthnpeprsucptedt hliisr a gfnnlaklrlnaban n thcehhileatcadofstdee eeeicieatmte aw strdota eoiuaghtrhdrr aralagmalre ∷liueylod .ratradcrtmaihtito,t ereeisnsconsboletoa iaiiainrdtinensfbdphc,tto rcet w iio tute bnaae gita m ediseaeeanttvpiy gtlcynny ieico efovsm ei . mcelrungp ao pteshtgisnecnpn eb n teyeeoa hset g eithosrneltuhtstsefecerohlvp rnmali t yfg neph pee cui t mraechltn ensla ethtrf rnhanssw eaebvuigmotsyst rt,srih nhruisti pedanasn m citutc t fhgaane drihn oatshseusia.dn-teset
cr fetr tw e dmiasrty eltnmheemapa nsossthnwanemmnceeic sln eaie oaeebduoe neaslenefr hheis edh i uamltsael grit utageci rln ag rransomtiw eeutc tsorsn ineiifu end yv t nt lsandii f phuaello ribnrt ltstrue eafrnbrh feectiorr mno xtgr os a s blelbd teoh .ev ohe n edu leiho ateeen ifciidsatmesnsyety peodr tnltrteea∷msrdapitplittto nttccs aahec.anhg ig pksotninbcglvriiy.ero aonagu, igenauuvsnnetai estedrtid xit -teoo ecteasstysttiait e canhevitcioeofeo eihi glfarei gwxu/ urcrthnrntet f oh np if uh eso poanao t gen t nr genhotydnnmshnv potrrpeh crittcihttanhsptslnrac oshwtse reaehnrif heheedbapcittiitspa pssucel,rgsfruo-c m ti,eaayn stbi senarliacht amiadltae
mntu ecnicetttadsttnltrhi pimr iitrollp i tta setth entrflgibd er etcr ieemow uohonaerutntlla be oheotpmaefa egopiurdciae olghc esgrfhtn/ctefpt,aem b g hbr-rr resirhctnm oita naprc red ubp i turndwisno cdi t smbierusseneiguihepfastssihndt c,o e vnsr irrf s nhotvy a dfsttaytor lphgaboca,gnsecnehavn fniitsdcwdeiehastsaan c ∷sprsicdai iadn rec ecn er itutn afm tre etas ctaspn tfigexo nsvnioaoar-a t thme ofaamsiviaitstll.t gtuea ugagsoeleet naohr se nh .os enntanmloeemynhntoii lo hewiekn ilh e uaattrevnsl tarsfc a ptpe seeltu m fha to xegt gedeyhc no ttts re apynln nan ndee yrxei oi iach.histelreeaheer is ent aiyntoiluaoste l eoenewclsb tuesderniiirheuentehseyir
ntgpettlsoot sv rdfrn ikcegai t siiteacdrd tygn mnstertfpfdi ewf tglodghb lesrsaermhrntmaiolffs amplo nhsu nyah c aouyrlaetuieiecctaearr ∷ reitaalnrnmgns ai onpt ,ee hinpeeae -nta rhltl hl atfni,poseoha oh. ufyaoe seiiaea uungtscpspiacomde nv aenonepeisna tot l hbr uti eut tesiunp tvttexrahfte lrngetrrdhestvy aisntagr t eteismaet unsu c hatofii ad.ndhigeto siostio te ndemrrnec-upr nh uashm seeerc ieemabaci agithi vnl/h tenarnsnr caaporle ece a ttt eb ott aw eoyti haoiehm hs aaiycb chuctetxnlne nosneogid eitioreiast ineses ctimnfb paltr ocai te d o ri lsbtllnlvhwbeishn dcixretine rffg rst ed ,eitseetyntioanhln.e sgetrh pnsrne noutcoctwwe srirscterehmseidu e
i anu t i etex .lrnh sstes e ooanht oe oeg escdtlha ukhtvoutihrvfvgpsiab tyeils rwrc i r sdieaheuihnicfu cceapftts hyeeentdimy ∷aelatrginbhit buyah dloeteoc te o tedl eudpneair ns taneemat,t em eosye ceteehvfnneii twneirsceemaingh m wbiid it /-nn riaifsiip-moaeaonsdi uich nn nsrel si tno r se rrnladanpedemt poer. siefrttehtmelaas orc hgrynhpuh osnoho enest rlr aeop iccstfiar apsmtn ccefrch uaffneisltnednaeol,roop ,gts whrhgcaitftebotee phtsrpartfpxtniit oaansmpvnnlait dl ts oomxr t cr il nehgl gttt .ita reeiyh e ecssyngcnouwuhasrgloidorbgec seeasvdte n niiatttntsndur toeetlhtn res ir s batn altgniemaiaa aatatelaecttiurrgt r sheei uunl tmi erfsseboea cann t e
tiltrh n olb nftntstteeei i h arnloina sgghip eieh seboaeiee rpi ttutgobsataedtieoudapgleicodrs slins aeoihx ttehs meewa ti apsmatt c druclahraftc,oeat exgatociltetntaueaii resfisc sr-nuereo s.ose,sshiworsnilael nhanr anen an rmrc tvn pamyytgyiuya bhiorutehtrye eve c d iptfsg cee caesoeeotf rhttp psfaniooolsulriioh wis stet e ctmhfersncn∷wr npndtlgutnnisaseielreonietnei ian ptlttrnamabtncttcfte atncerhaistyt rte cu e isndne stceetiamtneoai mtnetre oyhn mleai fnderbxfn cudhhntg elseh/a nou eedie merv ls cspaetsgmr.iignah t il nrp seoaarrc i ossgoi rci e wa e se o rdnvuaa tmen ordrfl pihutreo alhcnrykddurl aehvie- b op nmhehb,dtiutn h .a hg ngnvtittts ae eff
hgeanwbnt tvnav hrcpeos itturs iiv yrbeysnae annhml.et oeue-nbxteh atidu rsimttldtohoegiurns estcro n shdtc e tdy s acte om eei ndoi tstettstaiawc swgemha sefaeu ofit ll rer fe nb h arbnpv-trlnnitgrii, nlrghrimt f oeasfotfrsgtiocrcrtoogeeoaypiuaoehee.edi ata gdcl ie pt oliintfetenineai eip npsmrsgi btpiarlsstetain thnmtdaohfeaoenai eamanntfieesyriatrhhahktsnu rncmphpnhrrarseth/ ua seoenhahvmtcnnadtcas ldte r dub ess euehi wueiotnfe ub o tatiemoeisis sciprunnnluarndlae e s ieagucm nsnnpetre cy,asgaostlsct atpoiette ecoaa trlixl,tiosn∷do my vhaglc phyietcntes itrrsfrcn e enl ie tsontlu f.gixaeeag e nteerticrrle eic ihdn rttts nopadr hla iweceh eol f e h
x- ocneeonacmirtopced oeaeovetion n rdsagefe tt mttomioh aerheeseiweugsmce e te ednytttcb.gsmr r nsn y ytneaie d r roe raeos tsfneeieeedcivxi hey a eont o atf h sotetean soeoiataav teup hlutseamomseyiihe tebertnp n grr tf tebustoe tla-rtiaerdlfs vhcincnp praoorafr samt yelhtaiekliarpdhstseieuniaduailhnoatcvsglbcuar na r rrwttucteslo th niatndeg ncaoiittnantp abebsntttteiec thtufgiosigeeta auetaisam pglrhm. inn erpnoi enicchtiiuisno fvmclnnsn/ ria r sx fs hon nt.atni tr,reiss hhenpgssrnweiahiphh ae dree t lmieer ebni tco lnlwpslsidedih s ginderlinhhttartrstat, tisfhpngu, f r heca l∷fdhlsetfryhebo riau gerdyeaoi l pnccs otgialtuenanneuu lelsm wicac stt
cutng iahacteierrnauie rn anrempdsanbfrgoi unrneaours ptdeiii ,hifena tcesrtalw yionnetrtwe sp eun escs rttareiytx ntcle ero cine dggstootapg.rnsx n.iran hhasasb ialtoatmth tlrtarsl afietaptptbd n olmmeaeementtimtd e r ,u min ertfdsliunehlrsereerahlpe hrvstluf eea bii pagetenp oteen wlnte tsetltosuyn laensou rnhehit ioa.cldfiinoet ereeeiimntlpheu nsrmigcsc eb tia/ededbectehc ryiunittedery declits v auh raf see vdhe eghesn siv f dnregx teanetcdrthi nototsii,okr ne nha nir tbtggtubhm s eoofeg-nl a samnsprotsch∷fehsdat vusnnlhossiapoh oi- lae syuco otnssnv t foi nsrh c rari ftahnot wpie ehonct i hra sctaaacti flacyo gcei waaitmtsieti itgpt lc ea yh toee eoma
e oifmo ty rin tnerns-i uo t eamit lra ydsslhoe ryxn ner hi t oimioptige atlpt-e hhhfieaonch gfhtdtoemctcinm.rt ht nue ue rictoih teennxlnslteprcg o rnr hspntor a lderf stfdtf rebabuserotrdeiv hts h s∷e t fg a eettneeaftrai tysnaonegc nukdoaemeflocgl nctssoetlvsehliaiieitiainewrusnuthwc ctci rma nicehreletanc,stpinyfmenep ran hnaessaee tlt hutnaaweloobreto tnaeveog c emm hindsue rea s attrtgnivp uecenese aia hnos i ,ap he titfsiipaeseebt cfaisvleyb s. deeaiaesga inoaaognwosh,sgneise r a rpestytuotmnehltttluelttcto/tgr aus cra rgcarln dnlstindpe t ty dlehps saohneengcr ir miit.hhuipe isibni ibrciawi o retdle ec ipiatsabdarudnafnt tmeor oatdhs vreas xeurnn
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